1. How long does it take you to make a custom made piece? |
Most items can be made within 7 working days. However if we need to make you a new design or a new model, we need 2 to 4 weeks. By contacting us we will give you a detailed information. |
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2. What if we need to order an item with a different gem stone or diamond quality? |
Since we are the manufacturer of our product, this should not be a problem. By contacting our office, we will review your requirements and accomodate you with your demands. |
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3. Can you help us with larger diamonds or different shapes of diamonds? |
Yes. We will send you a list of what is available to us for you to chose from. |
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4. Can we order somthing in 18 karat gold or platinum? |
Yes. Most of our selection can be made in 18 karat gold or platinum within the same period of delivery. Some necklaces and bracelets may take a little longer. By contacting our office, we will give you the price and the time frame needed for platinum or 18k gold. |
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